Article from Journal Métro

Action Jeunesse de l'Ouest-de-l'Île (AJOI) has been accumulating awards from various municipal and community award programs since 2010. The street work organization recently received the Excellence Award from the Health and Services Network in the category of prevention, promotion and protection of health and well-being.
The award is given annually to a community organization whose initiatives make it possible to exert an influence on the determinants of health and well-being or on the associated risk factors.
These achievements must be focused on the promotion, prevention and protection of the health of the population.
“This award is truly significant. It comes from the ministry and health and social services professionals. It demonstrates the extent to which we are professionals who take their work seriously,” indicates the general director of AJOI, Tania Charron.
Youth issues For eleven years, AJOI has offered reception, listening, support, accompaniment and referral services to young people aged 12 to 25. It serves people with vulnerability factors such as homelessness, drug addiction, physical or mental health problems, poverty or isolation. The organization's range of services has developed based on the reality of young people and the needs observed on the ground. For example, after it was noted that there was a problem of residential instability among young adults, AJOI created two worker positions specializing in adult homelessness in December 2016. Since its creation, the organization has carried out more than 35,000 targeted interventions. Over the past nine years, the organization and members of its staff have received seven awards from various programs or organizations, such as the West Island Chamber of Commerce and Centraide of Greater Montreal.